ROMAN Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS) tvac


Using CRDS from the Command Line


CRDS uses command line tools or calibration software to identify and automatically download required reference files.

Working with CRDS references typically involves one or more of the following:

Installing CRDS

The current preferred approach is to install CRDS as part of Astroconda.

Configuring UNIX

Onsite use generally requires no CRDS setup for Roman and uses shared CRDS files located under /grp/crds/cache.

# Typical onsite users and developers need no configuration for Roman.

For personal or offsite use, configuration requires defining:

setenv CRDS_PATH $HOME/crds_cache

sh syntax:

export CRDS_PATH="$HOME/crds_cache"

This defines where personal copies of CRDS files are stored and which CRDS server is used.

Non-standard onsite configurations (TEST, I&T, DEV) require similar setup and designation of the appropriate server and cache area.

Assigning, obtaining, and caching reference files.

For Roman best references are assigned and/or downloaded transparently when calibration software is run.

Performing Roman Calibrations describes running Roman calibrations more generally, including implicitly CRDS. For more info on downloading best references by dataset ID, see the CRDS User Guide: Best references by dataset ID

Other Notes

Once initialized, CRDS can operate from cache when not connected to the Internet. In this disconnected mode CRDS runs normally but can only assign the best reference files known to the local cache.

CRDS creates and maintains your CRDS cache. Direct edits to files in the cache should be avoided.

Recalibrating to utilize new references should not require redownloading your datasets or previously cached reference files.